Medcom Blog

Updates to the Medcom Bridge

Updates to the Medcom Bridge

New and exciting things are coming for the Medcom Compliance Bridge! Our Bridge team is always working to make the platform more efficient and easier to use, but this time we have a whole list of updates and more to come.  

The Bridge is an online platform created by Medcom to bridge the gap between brokers and our Compliance experts. Our intention is always to make Compliance experts and Compliance services as simple and accessible as possible. The Bridge brings all that right to you and cuts down on back-and-forth emailing. It allows you to request...

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COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Should Know

COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Should Know

Yesterday was World Health Day, so of course, we’re talking about how to keep ourselves and the people around us safe and healthy. COVID-19 vaccines have been rolling out to the general public in many states. Whether you have received the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, or Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you’re not out of the clear just yet. I know we’re all ready to jump back into our previously thriving social lives and travel everywhere under the sun, but there are still precautions to take as outlined by the CDC:


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Part 2: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

Part 2: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

On Tuesday’s ARPA & The Outbreak Period webinar, our Senior Lead Counsel, Michelle Barki continued answering your questions on dependent care, notices, subsidies, and more. We have outlined the questions and answers from this webinar for you below in case you missed it.

Dependent Care Questions & Answers

If I have a DCA plan that runs on a plan year and renewed 8/1/2020, can they allow their employees to increase their current elections 1/1/2021?

Yes, the DCAP Rule says they can go back to 1/1/21, and when the IRS looks at DCAP, they are...

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Part 1: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

Part 1: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

Over the past few weeks, we have received many questions regarding the ongoing Outbreak Period and the newly signed American Rescue Plan Act. Our senior Legal Counsel, Michelle Barki, took the time to answer them all for you. This morning during our webinar, we answered general questions, subsidy-related questions, and voluntary versus involuntary termination questions. Next Tuesday, for Part 2, we will discuss Depended Care and Notices. In case you missed it, here are the questions and answers:

General Questions and Answers

Will COBRA members be able to have a coverage gap?

There is a special...

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