Medcom Blog

The Earth Charter Webinar Series

The Earth Charter Webinar Series

Over the past two weeks, Medcom has been releasing each session of the Earth Charter Webinar Series. The Series is meant to not only spread the positive and connecting message of the Earth Charter and its four pillars but to also hear about them from thought leaders around the world.

Session 1, Introduction

Earth Charter International is an organization that cultivates a global network of people creating enthusiastic local action to make the world a better place. ECI also offers a globally renowned education center that teaches online and in-person classes about leadership, sustainability, and ethics....

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CDHP Basics: FSAs and HSAs

CDHP Basics: FSAs and HSAs

Offering employees attractive benefits is a great way to improve engagement and retention. For example, FSAs and HSAs are healthcare plans that cover medically-related expenses not included under a traditional health plan. However, many people do not know what is included in an HSA or FSA. Before I became an employee at Medcom Benefits, I had no idea what they were either! 

Do you know the difference between an HSA and FSA?

Both HSAs and FSAs allow people with health insurance to set aside money for health care costs, including deductibles, copayments and...

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Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Indigenous Peoples' Day, formerly known as Columbus Day, falls on the second Monday in October. It was declared originally as Columbus Day by President Roosevelt and made an official holiday by President Nixon in 1972. The holiday was originally meant to "celebrate Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas." However, the holiday has been protested by generations of indigenous peoples in America, stating it represents "the violent history of the colonization in the Western Hemisphere."

Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day was first discussed in 1990 by the International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in...

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COBRA Changes During the Pandemic

COBRA Changes During the Pandemic

Is it possible for time to move fast while simultaneously standing still? We've had that feeling quite a bit over the past few months, and we expect many of you feel the same. The pandemic started roughly seven months ago, and at times we think to ourselves at Medcom, "where has the time gone? These months have flown by." But in the same breath, we also feel that surely it's been 10 years since February, and we can't believe we are still in the year 2020!

Regardless, we are still here, we are still in a...

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