Medcom Blog

Accomplishing Your 2021 Business Goals

Accomplishing Your 2021 Business Goals

We are at that inevitable time of year again where we all set goals for ourselves, our families, our businesses to become better, more healthy, or more profitable. I struggle each year with setting achievable personal goals without allowing the self-doubt to creep into the back of my mind and defeat me before I even start. It goes about the same way for my professional goals as well. The struggle is real and it is everywhere. The bottom line though is that we'd all like to make improvements personally and professionally, no matter the time of year. Many...

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Understanding the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

Understanding the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

It is no surprise that with everything happening in 2020, we would round out the year with more complicated legislation about employee benefits. We are thankful for the folks in Washington who worked diligently to bring the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, to the table. It will extend many of the conditions and modifications we were given in 2020 regarding our FSA and Dependent Care accounts. Now, more than ever, it seems, we Americans need help, and we are relieved that our Congress and President passed the legislation early this week.

Earlier this week, Medcom's Senior Legal Counsel, Michelle Barki,...

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How to Avoid Phishing Attacks

How to Avoid Phishing Attacks

Merry Christmas everyone!

With all the prepping for Santa's big visit tonight, we know that avoiding phishing scams is top of your list... yeah right. It may not be your focus at this moment, but avoiding email scams, particularly at this time of year, is tricky - just like the scammers - and Medcom wants to help you learn how to spot signs of email phishing and avoid being scammed any time of year. Thankfully, our resident HIPAA security guru and IT professional, Michael McGregor, wrote an article that addresses this topic. We first shared Michael'...

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Sustainable Gift Guide

Sustainable Gift Guide

I love Christmas. I can't lie. It's my favorite holiday. This year it may look a little different, but don't think that that means we can't get holly jolly! Whatever holiday you celebrate or don't celebrate, you may be giving some gifts around this time of year. So, let's talk about gifting sustainably! 


Save your Amazon boxes! All of them! I know that we've all ordered a lot of packages this year. I've ordered everything from tiny boots for my dog to books I may never...

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