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New Year. New Resolutions.

It's that time of year again! It's time to reflect on this past year and set goals for the next one. New Year's resolutions, most practiced in the western world, are where a person resolves to continue a good habit or achieve a new desired goal or practice. According to Statista, the most common New Years Resolution of 2021 was "Doing more exercise or improving my fitness" for 50% of those surveyed.

While we think about this year ahead of us, we can all agree that resolutions look a little different during a global pandemic. So, what resolutions can we make for 2022 that are pandemic-safe and achievable?

  1. Get outside more. We all know what it's like to be stuck in the house, but now is a great time to explore a new local hiking trail!
  2. Make your bed every day. We've all heard it before, but this can help jump-start your day if you don't consider yourself a morning person.
  3. Read more. There are so many books to read and so many topics to explore! Cut down on your screen time by picking up a book.
  4. Make monthly playlists. Expand your taste in music and share your playlists with friends!
  5. Learn a new hobby. Take the time to learn something new. It could be an instrument, a language, or just a new recipe.

Hand writing New Year New You on white cardIt seems like New Year's Resolutions are just things you want to accomplish in the coming year. However, there is a difference between a resolution and a goal. A resolution is a decision to do or not do something, while a goal is a specific, quantifiable achievement. For example, a resolution would be to exercise more, while a goal would be to run a 10-minute mile. To help yourself achieve your resolutions, be sure to set specific goals so that there's a clear finish line. Most resolutions fail by the end of January because a) it's a resolution created based on what somebody or society wants you to change, b) it's not specific enough, or c) you don't have a plan in place on how you will achieve your goal.

Tips and tricks aside, the most important thing to remember when setting resolutions and goals this year is to make sure they're achievable and be patient with yourself. We're entering year three of a global pandemic. It's okay if it's wearing on you. It's okay if you're tired of it.

This year let's prioritize our mental health. Don't put pressure on yourself or be concerned with what everyone else is doing. Above all, let yourself be excited and hopeful for 2022.

Happy New Year from Medcom Benefit Solutions!

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