Medcom Blog

Sticking to Your Financial Goals

Sticking to Your Financial Goals

Happy New Year, all! The holidays are over, and now it’s time to pay for all the Christmas presents you put off on all your credit cards. January is Financial Wellness Month, so of course, we’re ringing in the new year talking about financial goals. According to WalletHub, “saving more money” places in the top three for New Year’s resolutions. We could easily tell you what you should be doing to get your finances in check for this year, but unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy. If we asked a group...

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It’s Open Enrollment Once Again

It’s Open Enrollment Once Again

It's crazy to think that we are already approaching the end of 2021! The start of a new year means Open Enrollment time for many companies. This is the time to not only enroll in health insurance benefits but also to make changes and set elections for FSAs and HSAs.

Make sure your employees are educated on their open enrollment options. 76% of consumers say they are focused on getting the best value for their healthcare dollars, but they need more support. Build a communication plan to make sure the information is clear and concise, use real-world...

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New 2022 Benefit Limits Announced

New 2022 Benefit Limits Announced

We’ve been anxiously waiting for the IRS to release the FSA Limit for 2022, and last week, on November 10, the IRS finally released inflation adjustments for over 60 tax provisions. We’ve recapped a few of the changes here for you, along with some limits that will remain the same for 2022.

Here’s what’s changing in 2022:




FSA Limit



Transit and Parking Limit<...

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A Penny For Your Thoughts

A Penny For Your Thoughts

We've all heard of the 50/20/30 rule, and we've all been overwhelmed staring at excel, trying to input every expense, and hoping to come out in the positive.

Budgeting is a very frustrating but necessary evil. It is tricky because it's challenging to establish a hard-set rule on how much you should spend because, honestly, we all have different priorities. Just because one person can keep their spending low on food because they live off ramen and fast food does not mean another person can do the same. And there are so many other...

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