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A Guide to Boosting Your Open Enrollment Communication

It’s September. Are you ready for 2025 open enrollment? We understand that open enrollment (OE) time can get very stressful for brokers, but a strong communication strategy is the key to a smooth and successful OE season. While employers spend time preparing and offering valuable benefits plans, it’s all wasted if employees don’t understand what’s available to them. Without clear communication, your clients risk losing top talents and missing out on the full value of their benefits programs.

Why Benefits Communication Matters

Employee benefits can be complicated, and many employers doubt their employees’ ability to choose the best plans. According to the Maven State of Women’s and Family Health Benefits Report, only 56% of employees trust their employer to get the best quality healthcare available. In addition, a study done by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 60% of employees said employee benefits were extremely or very important when considering whether to stay with their current employer. When employees truly understand their benefits, it’s a win for everyone. They’ll use the benefits, feel supported by their employer, and stick around longer—all boosting job satisfaction.

That’s where benefit advisors and brokers come in. You can help bridge the communication gap and ensure employees understand the value of their benefits.

How to Improve Benefits Communication
  1. Use Decision-Support Tools
    Modern benefits platforms with decision-support tools can simplify plan selection. Tools like side-by-side comparisons and personalized recommendations guide employees toward the right choices based on their needs and budget.
  2. Go Mobile-Friendly
    Everyone’s on their phone, so benefits info should be too! Encourage your clients to use a mobile-responsive benefits platform that employees can access on their phones or tablets. This makes it easy for them to review their options, enroll, and involve their families all from the comfort of their couch.
  3. Offer Benefits Call Centers
    Call centers staffed with licensed professionals can be a lifesaver for employees trying to navigate their benefits. Whether they prefer phone, email, or a one-on-one chat, this personalized support ensures employees make informed decisions about their benefits.

Want to keep your clients happy and win some new business? Helping them improve their benefits communication is key. With the right tools and resources, you’ll not only help employees make smarter choices but also free up HR teams to focus on bigger projects.

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