Medcom Blog

Helping Your Employees Make the Best of Their Benefits

Helping Your Employees Make the Best of Their Benefits

Open enrollment is a confusing time for your employees. They’re lost, dazed, and confused, trying to make heads and tails of which account covers what and how much money they’ll be out of pocket every paycheck for their elections.

You and I both know the critical role tax-advantaged savings accounts play in making healthcare more affordable for employees. Still, employees don’t always recognize the potential cost savings associated with them until presented with real numbers.

Here’s why this is important:

The estimated cost of health insurance for...

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What is an FSA, exactly?

What is an FSA, exactly?

AHHHH!!! Here we go again with the confusing acronyms! Yes, we get it: this stuff is complicated, especially living in a fast-paced world where we barely have the time to check our voicemails. Forget about answering them! So, let's start, as we usually do, with a definition.

FSA, or Flexible Spending Account, is set-up through employers and can be used for medical expenses, dental care, and vision care. The employee decides how much to contribute for the year, and that amount is deducted from the employee's pay over 12 months before...

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Should You Invest in an HSA?

Should You Invest in an HSA?

It is really difficult to know if you should invest your hard-earned money in an HSA. For one, what is an HSA? How is it different from an FSA? WHAT IS AN FSA!? All the terms and acronyms can be a bit confusing for any employee, so let’s take some time to clear things up and better prepare ourselves for the future. I’m not sure about you, but I’d love to retire before I’m 80!

Let’s tackle the 9 most important things you should know concerning a Health Savings...

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All About Consumer Driven Health Plans

All About Consumer Driven Health Plans

Medcom Benefits Solutions’ Consumer Driven Health Plans Division was established in 2000 with the introduction of the debit card technology. Our Fringe department specializes in consumer-driven product administration with over 45,000 participants on our current platform. We offer professional administration with a variety of plan designs and programs.

Our CDHP Solutions  

Expert Administration in:

         Health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

         Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)

         Complex HRA plan design capabilities


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