Medcom Blog

Should You Invest in an HSA?

Should You Invest in an HSA?

It is really difficult to know if you should invest your hard-earned money in an HSA. For one, what is an HSA? How is it different from an FSA? WHAT IS AN FSA!? All the terms and acronyms can be a bit confusing for any employee, so let’s take some time to clear things up and better prepare ourselves for the future. I’m not sure about you, but I’d love to retire before I’m 80!

Let’s tackle the 9 most important things you should know concerning a Health Savings...

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Top 10 Things to Know About the IRS Tax Reform

Top 10 Things to Know About the IRS Tax Reform

Medcom Benefit Solutions prides itself on helping employees, employers, brokers, and partners navigate the turbulent waters of today’s tax, healthcare, and compliance systems.  We are also here to keep you up-to-date about new laws and how they affect you and your business.

Below, we have mapped out the top 10 most important takeaways from the recent IRS tax reform legislation.

This may mean huge savings during tax season: Many business owners may deduct up to 20% of their qualified business income! Here are the FAQs to learn more: There is...

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HIPAA Privacy and Security: Clearing the Muddy Waters

HIPAA Privacy and Security: Clearing the Muddy Waters

Let’s think back. Think REALLY far back…all the way back to January 3, 2019. In January we shared a blog “All About HIPAA Privacy & Security,” which detailed exactly what HIPAA stands for and how Medcom can help companies become HIPAA compliant.  Yes, we know that was nearly two full months ago and you’ve been busy, not to mention we write such incredible content on the MedcomBlog we’re sure it's hard to keep up! So for the sake of your memory and our typing hands, here is a link...

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COBRA Qualifying Event Quandary

COBRA Qualifying Event Quandary

Medcom took some time this week to ask these five individuals the following question:

What is a COBRA Qualifying Event?

This is the picture of their answer…

That isn’t true, we didn’t ask the above stock photo individuals about COBRA qualifying events, but if we had it is very likely this would have been their answer.  In order to clear up any confusion, we would like to dig a bit deeper into COBRA: what does it mean, why do we have it, when and...

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