
Medcom Cares

The Medcom Cares Disaster Recovery Program is based on IRS Section 139: Disaster Relief Payments. Section 139 states that employers can provide "Qualified Disaster Relief Payments" to employees, tax-free, who are affected by a federally declared disaster. A qualified disaster relief payment means any amount paid to or for the benefit of an individual to reimburse or pay reasonable and necessary expenses listed as the result of a disaster.

Medcom Cares Basics

  • Funds are made available by the employer to employees on a debit card
  • The amounts provided are at the employer's discretion
  • No substantiation is required
  • No manual claims or reimbursements are accepted - the card is the only way to access the funds
  • Employers can choose where employees spend their funds
  • There are six merchant categories; employers can select them all or customize the list
  • The program runs for 90 days
  • Unused funds return to the employer
  • All contributions are tax-free for the employee - no need to include on a W-2 or 1099

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