Medcom Blog

Medcom Partners with Earth Charter International

Medcom Partners with Earth Charter International

Medcom Benefit Solutions and Earth Charter International announced this week the forging of a new partnership to work together and promote the development of sustainability and community outreach programs.


About Medcom Benefit Solutions…

Medcom is a leading benefits administration company located in Jacksonville, Florida. Our mission is to contribute to the security and well-being of our employee benefit clients, agency partners, and employees professionally and compassionately. Our vision is to bring innovation and transformative leadership to the Employee Benefit community.

"We are excited about our new...

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IRS Reveals Few Changes for Forms 1094-C & 1095-C

IRS Reveals Few Changes for Forms 1094-C & 1095-C

The IRS released the draft instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C on November 13, 2019. And while many, including us, believe there would be some changes due to the reduction of the Individual Mandate to zero dollars, the draft showed little to no changes compared to the previous year.

The changes made in the instructions refer mainly to numerical figures that change year-to-year due to inflation. On page six, the second column section, “Information reporting penalties,” states the total penalty charged for a calendar year will not exceed $3,339,000, a $64,000 increase from 2018. Another noted change is found on...

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8 Affordable Ways to Give Back

8 Affordable Ways to Give Back

Giving back doesn’t mean giving all your money. In fact, there are so many ways we can pay-it-forward without really paying at all! However, if you decide to spend money or offer your time, giving back is a win-win for yourself and those in need. There are lots of ways to get involved in your local community without spending any money, and we have created a list of eight ideas to help make your town a better place, and you have a happier heart.

1. Make Extra Desserts

When you and your family are...

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Helping Your Employees Make the Best of Their Benefits

Helping Your Employees Make the Best of Their Benefits

Open enrollment is a confusing time for your employees. They’re lost, dazed, and confused, trying to make heads and tails of which account covers what and how much money they’ll be out of pocket every paycheck for their elections.

You and I both know the critical role tax-advantaged savings accounts play in making healthcare more affordable for employees. Still, employees don’t always recognize the potential cost savings associated with them until presented with real numbers.

Here’s why this is important:

The estimated cost of health insurance for...

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