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Falling For Sustainability

Fall is the season of change. It's a perfect time to embrace positive changes in our lives and make a difference for the environment. And, you may be surprised to learn that being eco-friendly during this season is much easier than you might think. Here are just a few simple ways to make this fall season eco-friendly:

  1. Eat local: Fall often brings a craving for warm, comforting foods, and what's more comforting than a meal made from fresh, locally grown produce? Embrace the season by heading to local farmers' markets and choosing seasonal, locally sourced produce. Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you'll also support hardworking farmers in your community.
  2. Composting: As leaves and other debris pile up in your yard, consider starting a compost pile. Composting is a great way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Plus, it's a great way to help the environment.
  3. Conserve Energy: As it gets colder, we all want to stay warm and toasty. Make sure your home is well-insulated, and try using a programmable thermostat to optimize energy usage. It's like having a smart home that knows when to save energy. And don't forget, bundling up in cozy sweaters and blankets is not only eco-friendly but saves you money on your electric bill, too!
  4. Ditch the disposable cups: Fall often means hot beverages on chilly days. Invest in a reusable coffee mug or thermos for your daily dose of warmth. This simple act can significantly reduce single-use cup waste. You can enjoy your pumpkin spice latte without adding to the pile of single-use cups. And when you hit the stores for pumpkin-spiced everything, don't forget your reusable shopping bags.
  5. Fall into Gardening: If you have a green thumb, fall is your time to shine. Plant cool-season veggies like carrots, radishes, and kale. These vegetables can thrive in the autumn weather, reducing the need for store-bought produce and packaging. For more ideas of what to plant this month, check out Urban Farmer.
  6. Nature Adventures: Fall is the perfect time to enjoy nature's beauty. Go hiking, biking, or have a picnic. It's not just fun; it's a low-impact way to enjoy nature.
  7. Eco-Friendly Decorations: When decorating for fall holidays, get creative with nature's gifts – pumpkins, gourds, and leaves make fantastic decorations. Switch to LED lights for your spooky Halloween and cozy Thanksgiving decor. They save energy and can be reused year after year.
  8. Conscious Clothing: With the changing weather, it's a good time to evaluate your fall wardrobe. Look for sustainable clothing options made from eco-friendly materials and consider donating or recycling clothing you don't need anymore.

Incorporating sustainability into your fall routine doesn't have to be complicated. Even the smallest changes can add up to a significant positive impact on our planet. As an Earth Charter Partner, we always look for ways to help our planet, from local cleanups to tree planting, recycling, and more. So, as the leaves fall and the air turns crisp, let's embrace the spirit of sustainability and make this fall season a time of positive change for our planet.

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