Medcom Blog

Celebrating Arbor Day with a Bit of History

Celebrating Arbor Day with a Bit of History

We’ve probably all been celebrating Arbor Day since we were in elementary school. By ‘celebrating’ I mean planting trees! What you probably didn’t know though is that Arbor Day has a long history, almost 150 years worth!

Arbor Day first originated in Nebraska in the 1870s. A man named J. Sterling Morton proposed the very first Arbor day as a ‘tree planting holiday’ at a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture. It was first established to be celebrated on April 10th but soon was changed to April 22nd in...

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Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021

Happy Earth Day! Earth Day falls on April 22nd of every year and is always a great opportunity to not only appreciate the beautiful natural world around us but ask ourselves, ‘What can I do for the planet today?’. Obviously, kind deeds for the environment don’t have to be confined to one day, but it’s a good opportunity to organize a clean-up with your friends, bike instead of drive to work, or even just go on a hike to appreciate the great outdoors.

The tradition of Earth Day began...

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Updates to the Medcom Bridge

Updates to the Medcom Bridge

New and exciting things are coming for the Medcom Compliance Bridge! Our Bridge team is always working to make the platform more efficient and easier to use, but this time we have a whole list of updates and more to come.  

The Bridge is an online platform created by Medcom to bridge the gap between brokers and our Compliance experts. Our intention is always to make Compliance experts and Compliance services as simple and accessible as possible. The Bridge brings all that right to you and cuts down on back-and-forth emailing. It allows you to request...

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COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Should Know

COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Should Know

Yesterday was World Health Day, so of course, we’re talking about how to keep ourselves and the people around us safe and healthy. COVID-19 vaccines have been rolling out to the general public in many states. Whether you have received the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, or Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you’re not out of the clear just yet. I know we’re all ready to jump back into our previously thriving social lives and travel everywhere under the sun, but there are still precautions to take as outlined by the CDC:


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