Medcom Blog

Part 2: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

Part 2: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

On Tuesday’s ARPA & The Outbreak Period webinar, our Senior Lead Counsel, Michelle Barki continued answering your questions on dependent care, notices, subsidies, and more. We have outlined the questions and answers from this webinar for you below in case you missed it.

Dependent Care Questions & Answers

If I have a DCA plan that runs on a plan year and renewed 8/1/2020, can they allow their employees to increase their current elections 1/1/2021?

Yes, the DCAP Rule says they can go back to 1/1/21, and when the IRS looks at DCAP, they are...

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Part 1: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

Part 1: Your Questions about COBRA and The Outbreak Period

Over the past few weeks, we have received many questions regarding the ongoing Outbreak Period and the newly signed American Rescue Plan Act. Our senior Legal Counsel, Michelle Barki, took the time to answer them all for you. This morning during our webinar, we answered general questions, subsidy-related questions, and voluntary versus involuntary termination questions. Next Tuesday, for Part 2, we will discuss Depended Care and Notices. In case you missed it, here are the questions and answers:

General Questions and Answers

Will COBRA members be able to have a coverage gap?

There is a special...

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Customized Training Opportunities for your Team

Customized Training Opportunities for your Team

Is it just me, or are you crazy busy right now? Not just typical, run-of-the-mill busy, but CRAZY busy! I feel that one thing that has come from the past year is that no matter the situation we are in, we have found ourselves busier than ever, and because of that, we are running out of steam; we are running out of ideas; we are running on empty!

Medcom tries in every way to help our clients and employers. We provide many different solutions for your team to make Compliance easier, ACA Reporting faster, COBRA understandable, and...

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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day and Happy Women’s History Month! International Women’s Day (IWD) was on March 8th, the same day it’s been celebrated since 1913, but did you know that March is also Women’s History Month? I’ll be the first to admit that I was not fully aware of the significance of this month for women.

There’s a lot to celebrate as far as women’s rights and gender equality, so let’s talk a little bit about the history of these...

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