Medcom Blog

Celebrating 31 Years of the ADA!

Celebrating 31 Years of the ADA!

This week on the Medcom Blog, we’re celebrating National Disability Independence Day! The July 26 holiday commemorates the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA became law in 1990 and prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It intends to protect these individuals and provide accommodations to access public goods and services.

ADA legislation was an important milestone for disabled people because it began the long journey towards normalizing accessibility in public spaces. Narrow doorways and small bathroom stalls have become a pastime due to their inaccessibility for the disabled. Handicapped entrances, braille...

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Our CDHP Solutions

Our CDHP Solutions

We are quickly approaching August, and it’s never too early to start planning for your Open Enrollment!

Open Enrollment is the time of year you can make changes or purchase additions to your health insurance plan, and we’re here to make it a hassle-free process by offering a wide range of solutions and customized training for your team. We’ve listed some of the consumer-driven health plans we offer below.

FSA A Flexible Spending Account is an employer-funded account that lets you set aside pre-tax dollars to use...

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Back to [new] Normal

Back to [new] Normal

Can you believe we’re halfway through the year already?? Last year felt like a century, and this year is speeding by! So many businesses are gradually opening their offices back up as COVID cases decrease and vaccinations increase.

This week, Medcom welcomed back many who were working from home for more than a year! We are open at a limited capacity, with most of our employees on a hybrid schedule. Bringing people back does not come without some safety procedures in place, of course. We continue to have capacity maximums for each room, regular disinfecting...

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Managing HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Cybersecurity Risks

Managing HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Cybersecurity Risks

With so much in the news recently about cybersecurity risks and breaches, there is no doubt a company’s privacy and security is serious business. Cybersecurity risks also affect HIPAA privacy and security regulations that shield protected health information (PHI).

Employers cited and fined by the Departments (HHS and OCR) for HIPAA violations sacrifice millions in penalties, legal fees, and private litigation. Money lost is bad enough, but we must also consider the impact of losing a business’s reputation.

Did you know? Significant penalties for small companies are more prevalent than ever....

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