Medcom Blog

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Indigenous Peoples' Day, formerly known as Columbus Day, falls on the second Monday in October. It was declared originally as Columbus Day by President Roosevelt and made an official holiday by President Nixon in 1972. The holiday was originally meant to "celebrate Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas." However, the holiday has been protested by generations of indigenous peoples in America, stating it represents "the violent history of the colonization in the Western Hemisphere."

Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day was first discussed in 1990 by the International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in...

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Connecting During The Pandemic

Connecting During The Pandemic

In the era of quarantine and social-distancing, it's easy to feel like you're all alone. You can't visit your grandparents, go to your friend's birthday party, or even meet new friends when you go out. Approaching someone, anyone, in public is no longer socially acceptable and could even be considered putting them at risk. We've all had to cancel travel plans or decide against visiting someone because you didn't want to increase their chances of getting COVID. 

When I started working from home in March, I never thought I'd...

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Can I Recycle This?

Can I Recycle This?

Have you ever stood over the trash and recycling bins, wondering if the object in your hand can be recycled? I think we’ve all been there!

It may be more accurate that there are three types of recyclers.

There’s the one I described, The Contemplator. There’s the person who doesn’t ask themselves the recycling question, The Landfill Enthusiast. There are the few people in the office that know the answers to the recycling questions, The Lecturers. These people can often be heard saying, “Are you going...

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Back-to-School Tips During a Pandemic

Back-to-School Tips During a Pandemic

School will seem very strange for children this year, no matter which teaching model your school district has chosen. Whether your district will select in-class and remote learning as a hybrid or in-person only classes, preparation is vital to make the transition as smooth as possible for you and your kids.

Here are some of our tips for making the transition back into the classroom as safe as possible.

Before going back to school: Check your children each morning for signs of sickness, such as a fever, sore throat, coughing, or body aches If your...

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