Medcom Blog

7 Things to Know About Telemedicine

7 Things to Know About Telemedicine

I recently used my organization’s offered telemedicine program, and it was AWESOME! I’d been sick for a few days, knowing it felt a lot like a sinus infection. I decided to treat myself at home, but over-the-counter sinus meds and using the neti pot only helped so much, and I was way too busy to be sick. So, I looked up the intro email provided by my HR manager, clicked the link, and was amazed by how effective and easy the process was for me.

According to the Employee Benefits Survey, completed in 2019...

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ACA Update: Supreme Court Will Not Fast-Track a Decision

ACA Update: Supreme Court Will Not Fast-Track a Decision

The Past

Let's take it back a few years...eight to be more specific. Nearly eight years ago the Supreme Court dismissed a challenge to the constitutionality of the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act. In the middle of a presidential election, a split court ruled the ACA individual mandate was not "unconstitutional" and therefore, all Americans would be required to have health insurance, or pay a fine.

The Present

Now, as we are in the midst of another presidential election, the House of Representatives asked the Supreme Court to reaffirm that the...

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Medcom Partners with Earth Charter International

Medcom Partners with Earth Charter International

Medcom Benefit Solutions and Earth Charter International announced this week the forging of a new partnership to work together and promote the development of sustainability and community outreach programs.


About Medcom Benefit Solutions…

Medcom is a leading benefits administration company located in Jacksonville, Florida. Our mission is to contribute to the security and well-being of our employee benefit clients, agency partners, and employees professionally and compassionately. Our vision is to bring innovation and transformative leadership to the Employee Benefit community.

"We are excited about our new...

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IRS Reveals Few Changes for Forms 1094-C & 1095-C

IRS Reveals Few Changes for Forms 1094-C & 1095-C

The IRS released the draft instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C on November 13, 2019. And while many, including us, believe there would be some changes due to the reduction of the Individual Mandate to zero dollars, the draft showed little to no changes compared to the previous year.

The changes made in the instructions refer mainly to numerical figures that change year-to-year due to inflation. On page six, the second column section, “Information reporting penalties,” states the total penalty charged for a calendar year will not exceed $3,339,000, a $64,000 increase from 2018. Another noted change is found on...

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